GSD News From Ireland

Its your Web Site so keep the information coming in to keep it alive, we want to hear from you on all aspects of German Shepherd's

Clubs keep members informed from here or gain new members by telling what you offer

Kennels & Breeders keep everyone informed as to breeding programme or new stock




I was told that we are to see Clarcro German Shepherds bring in their Zamp son VA Xaro v Ben Harten, to Ireland where he is available at stud to approved bitchs, and can be seen in the Stud Dog Section.

Newtownards & District Canine Club03/03/2010

Saturday the 28th February 2010 seen the Newtownards Championship show held at the Kings Hall in Belfast, is was judged by a visiting judge which was nice, as he was a stranger to us all and the dogs under him, having had a reasonable entry and see a fair turn out on the day he liked Hugh Rooney's VA bitch Marleycrest Enya giving her best Bitch and the Dog award going to Seigerland Micheal, who also went on for  Mr S Nugent {Footse} & Miss G Bowden {Geraldine} to take the BEST Of Breed, well done to all. However more over unlike most other shows they continued to compete for the group, and not only complete but go onto win the Group 1, well done go there Seigerland Micheal.

I have not named the other classes as I have misplaced my catalogue sorry to all concerned for not being named.

Photo from Show Dogs Ireland

  9th Feb 2010

We have been told by Clarcro German Shepherds in Drogheda that they will be bringing in their VA Dog Xaro v Ben Harten, he will be in Ireland standing at stud within an eight week period and will remain in Ireland while their are breeders using the dog and wanting the bloodline back to Zamp and many other good dogs in his line, we will be looking forward to seeing he dog and should be of use to breeders in Ireland and the UK alike. We will keep you inform as to the date of his arrival and will appear then in the Stud Dog Section.

On another note Albert Balmer of ALBERDALE GSD'S has now got Herronsville Jericho at stud in his kennel and will be showing the dog in the forth coming year, he again can be seen in the Stud Dog section, and contact details for Albert are also there.

John and Pauline of BESONDERE GERMAN SHEPHERDS have a nicely bred litter off 5 males and 3 females for sale and again all interested can see the details in the  For Sale section

Please remember to email me information and we will keep the news up to date and its for all to use freely. Email:



Banbridge Canine Club Ch. Show 21/11/09
Breed Judge: Mr. R. Darcey
Award Dog
Green Star Dog CH. KNOCKWOOD CASH (Mr A Niblock)
Res Green Star Dog BUNDABERG FIDELL (Mr A Niblock)
Green Star Bitch KNOCKWOOD MILEY (Mr A Niblock)
Res Green Star Bitch KNOCKWOOD DELTA (Mr A Niblock)
Best Of Breed KNOCKWOOD MILEY (Mr A Niblock)
Reserve Best Of Breed CH. KNOCKWOOD CASH (Mr A Niblock)

Ibo von der Rommelsbach  Sch1,KKL
(Quantaum von Arminius/Diva von der  Rommelsbach)
 1A Normal hips A Normal elbows
Ibo is now in Ireland and is on offer at Stud, I have had the privilege to view him and found him of sound in character a very well constructed dog who walks straight on his front and rear, a well pigmented dog who's breeding should be of interest to many kennels. He has a prominent male head and well coloured dark mask.
I feel Ibo is a dog what you see is what you get, an honest dog with a clean top line going into a well mould croup and tail set.
He is residing with the Clarkes in Drogheda, and all enquires to Ian, Sean or Shane Clarke


Marleycrest Enya (Nelly) becomes Marleycrest 7th Champion.

Pauline and I are so proud of Nelly, She's Ireland first home bred VA1 Siegerin and European title winner and now Irish Champion
Pauline and I would like to thank all the judges that have liked Nelly enough for her to gain her Irish Champion Title.
We would like to thank everyone that has helped us with her training and handling of Nelly
Nelly will now take a more then deserve break from the ring where she has proved herself to be one of Ireland top Winning females.
Nelly will be mated with a top male and will return to the ring in 2010 with her progeny hopefully living up the her legacy.

Hugh Rooney

Marlcrest German Shepherds

On the 26th October subject to IKC approval, Hugh and Pauline Rooney do it again with their 7th Champion winning the Green Star and Best Of Breed, yes but that did not stop Hugh who waited and went on to win the Group with Enya [Nelly].


 All Ireland Bull Breeds All Breeds Ch. Show   26/10/09
  Breed Judge: Mr. P. Saul
Award Dog
Green Star Dog BARAK VON HAMILBERG SCHH1 (Neil Lawlor , Keith Fitzpatrick)
Res Green Star Dog DIEGO VON SANDERVILL (Mr. Ross Byrne)
Green Star Bitch MARLEYCREST ENYA (Mr Hugh Rooney)
Best Of Breed MARLEYCREST ENYA (Mr Hugh Rooney)      GROUP WINNER
Reserve Best Of Breed BARAK VON HAMILBERG SCHH1 (Neil Lawlor , Keith Fitzpatrick)

Ulster German Shepherd Club

We have gained notice that the Ulster GSD Club Championship Show has had to be cancelled and the Club will be returning all funds to those who  has interest in the Show,

This is apparently outside the Clubs Control, and they have apologised to all concerned

Portadown C.C. All Breed Ch. Show  17/10/09
  Breed Judge: Mr. A. Balmer
Award Dog
Green Star Dog BOSES TRUE COLUMBO (Mr D ONeill)
Res Green Star Dog BARAK VON HAMILBERG SCHH1 (Neil Lawlor , Keith Fitzpatrick)
Green Star Bitch MARLEYCREST ENYA (Mr Hugh Rooney)
Res Green Star Bitch BESONDERE BESSY (Mr J Perry)
Best Of Breed BOSES TRUE COLUMBO (Mr D ONeill)
Reserve Best Of Breed MARLEYCREST ENYA (Mr Hugh Rooney)

Marlcrest German Shepherds

On the 5th July subject to IKC approval, Marleycrest Boy (Freddie) will become Marleycrests 6th home bred Champion. Freddie is owned in partnership with Rob and Moe Fitzgarald who have done a more then excellent job with Freddie always shown in peak of fitness and top condition, well done guys and well done Freddie.

 Knockwood German Shepherds

Janice & Lester have just confirmed they have now made their young dog Knockwood Cash has gained his Champion title, I think it goes with out saying we all wish them our applauds on this achievement.

He gain his Irish title at the Navan Championship Show, Wining Open Dog and Green Star Dog.

Navan Dog Show Groups 1, 2, & 5   15/08/09
  Breed Judge: Mr W. McCrea
Award Dog
Green Star Dog KNOCKWOOD CASH (Mr A Niblock)
Res Green Star Dog SEIGERLAND MICHEAL (Mr. S. Nugent & Miss G. Bowden)
Green Star Bitch EARLVILL COCO (Mr. R J Doyle)
Res Green Star Bitch KNOCKWOOD MILEY (Mr A Niblock)
Best Of Breed KNOCKWOOD CASH (Mr A Niblock)
Reserve Best Of Breed EARLVILL COCO (Mr. R J Doyle)

Belfast Championship Show

We seen Belfast show at the week end, this was a poor entry of 33 where the where as many from the UK as was from Ireland exhibiting, but all in all it seem that everyone was having a good time and day.

The Dog CC went to Solo vom Kottersbusch, who by the way has gone to the UK to stand at Stud for a limited period and may be shown there also early in next years show season, and the bitch going to the UK with Mascani Odessa, and the Best Of Breed going to the Dog.

Raymond Kirkpatrick came out with a young dog Carnstream Gazza I had not seen before and must say the best Ken v Elzmundunsraum son I have seen to date, he also showed his litter sister as well. Danny O'niel had his open Brenda v Weinbacher bitch out and she show herself very well looked a little heavy, { Not sure but some had said she was in pup }, but again a very good bitch who showed her way to winning the Open Class. Jean & Jackie Duff had their Quenn Daughter out however I missed the Class sorry Jean.

Walter McCrea
Xitahausberg GSD's

In Remembrance of the Late David Tate

Galoise German Shepherd's

It was with some sadness I learnt last night of the passing away of Dave Tate, I am sure we will all recall the gentle giant running run the ring calling his bitch which, no one can forget the win and the expression of Dave when he won at the 2 Day National with her. We seen Big Davie as so many knew him, going on to breed her and produce some real lovely stock one of which went on to become his first bred home Champion.
Galoise Boston, Dave produced his own home bred champion, who was so proud to have the interest from the UK in acquiring the dog, He after being perused to sell, sold on to the Silkenwood Kennel and was campaigned in the UK, and give Davie much joy in seeing him acquire his title.
I had the privilege to attend the celebration of his life and was there one heard so many say of how he had always been one ready to have a laugh and joke, and could always see his way through to try and help others where possible, a man who was a pillar of strength to his friends and stood behind them in times of trouble.
I think I speak for all when I say our thoughts are with Georgie & Lisa at this time.
 Walter McCrea

Moneyreagh GSD
Congratulations to to Dave & Georgie for the success in making their Moneyreagh Enzo up at the week end, Dave was on the phone and telling me of the success.
We all am sure wish him our best wishes in this

Albertdale GSD
Good to see gsd info up & running again . Hope its as successful as last time. Talk to you soon


Willowdale GSD
well done to Georgie Sheffield's Willowdale Keifa on Best British Bred and Adult Siegerine at the Brit. Sgr show and not forgetting Youth Sgrn Samstag Jana bred and owned by Sue Worley who also has a wee bit of Willowdale in her her mother being Samstag Drue at Willowdale who gained her Irish Title and she was out of Willowdale Emme.
We are pleased Willowdale Dakota from the above lines is in whelp to Yako v Noort, due end of Sept.
Good luck to all exhibitors. jean duff (Jackie as well)

Clarcro GSD's
British Sieger Results
Anta vom Esserden Hof was 2nd in puppy female
Pammie vom Ben Harten was SG2 in 12-18mth class
Peru vom Ben Harten was SG1 in 12-18mth male class
Porsche vom Ben Harten was SG4 in 12-18mth male class
Ian Clarke
