Traffic steady companion dog test (BH)
Part A: Total 60 points. (70% must be
earned for passing score)
- Heeling on lead (15 pts)
At the beginning of each trial section, the handlers must report in to the
judge in a sportsmanlike manner.
The handler enters the field with his dog on lead and reports in the basic
position. Each exercise begins and ends in the basic position. The dog sits
straight , on the left side and next to the handler, with his right shoulder
blade at knee height. Taking of this position is allowed only once per
exercise. From this position, at the judges signal, comes the building up of
all the obedience exercises. The handler must show a minimum of 10 paces
before the for the performance of the exercises.
Dog and handler will walk approximately 40 paces without stopping. The dog
is to stay at the left side of the handler with his shoulder blade even with
the handlers leg. After travelling about 40 paces, the handler will make an
about turn. Then show the exercise at a run for 10 paces a slow for 10 paces
then back to normal. After showing the changes of pace the team will
demonstrate a right turn, a left turn, and a about turn with a minimum of 10
paces between. Then they will move into a group stopping at least once in
the middle and showing a left and right turn in the group also.
- Free-Heeling (15 pts)
Same as above only off leash.
- Sit out of motion (10 pts)
Basic position, 10 - 15 paces normal speed, sit, minimum of 30 normal paces,
- Down with recall (10 pts)
Basic position, 10 - 15 paces normal, down, minimum of 30 paces normal,
stop, call your dog.
- Down under distraction (10 pts)
Part B Traffic test
- Controllability and behaviour in street traffic
On the judges signal, the handler proceeds with his dog on lead on the
footpath of a section of indicated street. The judge follows the handler at
a measured distance. The dog should remain at about knee level. The dog
should behave impartially towards all pedestrians, and towards the motoring
traffic. A short time later the handler is overtaken by a bicyclist. He will
ring his bell several times. After this the handler goes to greet the judge
to shake hands and converse with him. The dog must remain quiet.
- More difficult traffic conditions
On the judges signal the handler will move in to heavier pedestrian traffic.
The handler will stop twice in this traffic. The first time commands sit,
the second time commands down. The dog must down quickly and quietly. The
dog must follow his handler attentively and quietly, and willingly. And be
uninfluenced by the heavy pedestrian traffic and the unaccustomed noises.
- Behaviour of dog left alone and towards other dogs
Handler walks a short distance and ties dog to a fence, ring in wall, etc.
Handler then goes out of sight for 2 minutes. Dog may stand, sit or lie
down. A passer by will pass with another leashed dog about 5 paces away from
the one tied. Dog should allow this with no aggressive tendencies.