In my opinion the Kennel Club appear to have adopted a strategy with their “undertaking” to coerce as many GSD Breed Clubs into signing it, by 'playing' on the genuine concerns of GSD Breed Club committees, members, exhibitors and even those who are solely dedicated to obedience and other working sports with their dogs. Serious concerns which the Kennel Club are failing to address, and by failing to address them, rendering the signing process of the KC “undertaking” unfair and grossly unreasonable. The GSD fraternity need to make informed decisions based on as many FACTS as possible. The Kennel Club have the FACTS which will fully clarify many of their concerns – Let us have them NOW. I am appalled by the apparent psychological games the Kennel Club appear to be playing with our GSD fraternity on this “undertaking” issue. It is nothing short of despicable. When pertinent questions or enquiries relating to genuine concerns about the implications of the KC “undertaking” are put to the Kennel Club, from those involved in the GSD fraternity, the Kennel Club appear to routinely respond along the following lines, "the general committee have not discussed this matter, and are unlikely to, or will not, discuss it before 31st March 2010". AND “Whilst we cannot pre-judge what the General Committee’s response might be should clubs decide not to return signed copies of the Undertakings, or fail to comply with the listed conditions," etc. etc. Such a response by the Kennel Club signals a desire by the Kennel Club to leave many within the GSD fraternity worrying about many false consequences of their GSD breed Club NOT signing the KC “undertaking”, and as such this will render their signing of the “undertaking”, very questionable indeed. Why do I state this? Because the Kennel Club know their limitations regarding the actions they can take against GSD breed Clubs who do not sign their “undertaking”. They most certainly would NOT have pursued their “undertaking” with the GSD breed clubs without having such knowledge. Therefore the Kennel Club’s blatant prevarication in their responses to genuine and relevant queries, relating to the KC “undertaking”, from those involved with the GSD fraternity renders the signing of the Kennel Club “undertaking” grossly unreasonable. For the Kennel Club to purposefully withhold, or avoid giving, factual information, which is essential for those they are asking to make a decision regarding their “undertaking” must render the “undertaking” null and void, and as such it should be CANCELLED or POSTPONED until they provide the information. If the Kennel Club do not postpone their “undertaking” and do not provide the information which will address these relevant concerns within the GSD fraternity, I seriously ask them, are there any depths the Kennel Club will not sink to, to coerce GSD Clubs into signing their KC “undertaking”?
1) The Kennel Club cannot remove the KC licence from a GSD breed Club for simply refusing to sign their "undertaking" 2) The Kennel Club cannot penalise any person or any GSD in any way whatsoever, just because any or all GSD breed clubs do not sign their "undertaking". 3) The Kennel Club cannot discipline any person for judging a Regional Event (based on SV/WUSV rules) 4) The Kennel Club cannot ban any GSD from being exhibited at a KC licensed show, just because it has been exhibited at a Regional Event or any other GSD Event (based on SV/WUSV rules) 5) The Kennel Club cannot refuse to register any GSD litters, or fulfil all other KC registration functions, - just because any or all GSD clubs refuse to sign the KC "undertaking". 6) The Kennel Club CAN only refuse to allocate their Breed CC's to any GSD breed Club that does not sign their "undertaking". 7) The comments being made that GSD Events (based on SV/WUSV rules) held in the United Kingdom by a WUSV member Club, or hosted by any other GSD Breed Clubs, requires the permission of the Kennel Club, and that this is a WUSV rule. is "IGNORANT NONSENSE" David Payne If the Kennel Club PREVARICATE on these very important issues, legal avenues may need to be seriously considered. In the meantime what can the GSD fraternity do? The GSD Partnership (GSDP) = GSD Breed Council, GSD League and BAGSD, they should strongly advise ALL GSD clubs NOT to sign the Kennel Club undertaking until such time as ALL their directly relevant concerns are fully addressed by the Kennel Club. Any Club that has already signed should immediately notify the Kennel Club that they are cancelling their signing of the KC “undertaking” until clarification of these relevant concerns have been provided.
I have received the following response to my “CHALLENGE
TO THE KENNEL CLUB” (above) from a much respected stalwart of our GSD
fraternity. David Payne Choice 1 : To enter K.C. Licensed Shows Choice 2 : To enter GSD Club Events based on SV/WUSV rules with the appropriate Health Checks in place. Choice 3 : Most important of all THE FREEDOM OF CHOICE TO ENTER BOTH TYPES OF SHOWS/EVENTS WITH NO RECRIMINATION OR COERCION FROM THE KENNEL CLUB.
RESULT : Everyone happy to enjoy their sport in
whichever way they choose - as someone recently quoted ..... Meerkat
syndrome - "Simples" !
Only people not happy would be those who are endeavouring
to gain power within our Shepherd Scene with political shenanigans and
manipulations - and who could care less about them. |