(the sire of Buster was Corjon
(the dam of Buster is JRD tested "clear")
Over many
years I have heard of the occasional litter being apparently
affected by this disease, indeed I have been contacted by
several of the breeders of such litters, and I felt somewhat
lacking in knowledge and experience to offer them any
meaningful advice, other than in the manner they dealt with
devastated owners who had lost their much loved pet GSD
puppy, in most cases between 4 and 6 months of age.
During the
last year or so there has been a spate of litters affected,
where all or the majority of each litter have died in the
same manner. Kidney failure through underdeveloped kidneys.
Having had
an enquiry to purchase one of my puppies from a couple who
had very recently lost their adored 5 month old male GSD
puppy, I invited them to come and visit to view my puppy.
However I found it a very emotional experience when they
explained how they had lost their previous puppy aged 5
months with kidney failure, and how they were told by the
breeder that three of the litter of seven had died of the
same cause, and more deaths were possible amongst the
remainder. This lovely couple were devastated and in tears
over their tragic loss. (see the story of Buster below)
There and
then I decided to start some very serious and thorough
research into this terminal disease of juvenile renal
dysplasia - JRD
It soon
became apparent that there had been many years of denial
within our breed with regards to the existence of JRD,
and also varying degrees of suppression of information
surrounded some affected litters.
As I gained
clearer information about the disease, most of which came
from other affected breeds, I circulated this information by
email throughout the GSD fraternity within the UK, and on
occasions outside of the UK also. I was informing, raising
awareness, and on a fishing trip. I was, as expected, NOT
inundated with responses, but those responses I did get were
very useful and gave me leads to various avenues of research
to explore.
I discovered
that a Genetic DNA test for canine JRD had been
developed in Canada, apparently late in 2007. This test was
apparently developed for the Lhasa Apso dog breed, but is
now used to test many more canine breeds. The test is done
DOGenes canine DNA services of
This DNA
test (a swab of the gums) can identify whether a dog (male
or female) is a carrier, or free of the JRD disease.
The normal charge for this JRD DNA test is between 70
US$ and 155US$ per test. I
GSD who are tested are certified as either – Carrier =
single mutation, Homozygote Carrier = the pair of genes are
mutations, or CLEAR = completely FREE of JRD.
David Payne

Buster 1

Buster on Boxing Day
Hi David,
Please find scanned pedigree certificate of (KC reg. name
supplied) Buster. If you need the original copy, please let
me know.
Brief history as requested:
We purchased Buster from (details supplied) he was born on
18th Aug 2007 and we collected him aged 8 weeks
old. All seemed well with Buster at the time. He had a good
appetite, was a healthy weight for his age. He was lively,
happy & mischievous as you would expect. (See photo: Buster
This healthy development continued for a while but by the
time he was 3.1/2 to 4 months old he had lost his appetite
and was underweight (as confirmed by my Vet at this time) He
also was very lethargic. This was followed by loss of
bladder control and by this point his urine was as clear as
At this point I telephoned the breeder and asked for advice
on any food supplement that I could give to encourage him to
eat, and was told that there had been a problem with some of
his siblings and that I should take him to the vet for a
blood test. Still unaware as to the terminal nature of the
disease, I rang my vet and explained the situation who asked
me to bring him over immediately, this was on Saturday 22nd
December 2007. A blood sample was taken and the results came
through on Sunday 23rd. The vet confirmed that
Buster had Juvenile Renal Dysplasia and that it was terminal
and all that we could do was to take him home and make him
comfortable. (see picture taken on Boxing Day).
Buster’s health declined very quickly after this and a
little over a week later, we couldn’t stand to watch him
suffer anymore. We returned to the Vet and on her
recommendation, Buster was put to sleep. My wife was too
upset to stay and had to leave but I stayed with him and He
died in my arms, with my tears falling on him, with me
telling him I loved him. This was the most upsetting and
emotional time in all my 41 years and one that I do not wish
ever to repeat.
I do not blame the breeder for any of this as I’m sure She
was as unaware of the situation as we were, but I do think
that breeders in general should be more aware of this
problem and the effects it has on the life of the purchaser
and their family.
I commend and thank you for your efforts in raising the
awareness of JRD. If there is anything I can do to help,
please let me know as I do not want anyone to go through the
upset that we have.
David I hope this info helps, although it seams to have
taken the form of a personal therapy session rather than a
brief history. Please keep me updated on your progress.
Best regards
Name supplied