Not A Lot Of People Know That...
There is a whole list of food toxic to
German Shepherds or dogs in general.
Most people have heard about chocolate
but here are some others and their
possible effects:
- Grapes
and raisins – renal
- Macadamia nuts –
muscle tremors, weakness or
- Tomato leaves and stems
– heart arrhythmias
- Pear pits, the kernels of
plums, peaches and apricots, apple
core pits – cyanide
- Milk and dairy products
– diarrhoea (in some dogs)
- Avocados – oedema
in chest and heart, leading to
difficulty breathing
- Onions –
gastroenteritis, haemolytic anaemia,
hepatic impairment
- Garlic
is less toxic so would need to be
ingested in larger quantities
compared to onions. Garlic in small
quantities can be used in certain
dietary supplements