An Over View of the Gait
Written & Illustrated by Linda
Shaw MBA
We don't pay all this
minute attention to the fine points of conformation just to have a
beautiful dog, although that is certainly an inevitable bonus. The
whole purpose of correct structure is to produce efficient movement,
but that should mean movement at more than just the trot. A
multi-talented breed must be proficient at every gait, as it will
use them all in the various tasks expected of it.
The GSD, or any dog,
shows a characteristic mammalian walk (Fig 1). A typical sequence of
steps would be the right rear, right front, left rear, left front,
with no period of suspension. One can imagine that each stride of
the rear, pushes ahead the foreleg on the same side as the animal
proceeds ahead. This form of locomotion evolved from the reptilian
gait, in which the right hind foot moves simultaneously with the
left front foot, and vice versa. Mammals evolved longer legs, a more
refined sense of balance and a stride which converged to the center
line of the body, all of which allowed a far wider range of gaits
and much greater speed and agility. About all the typical reptile,
such as crocodilians, can do is move their legs in the same
sequence, but faster.

The GSD at the walk
can show us quite a lot. While there is insufficient time in the
average conformation ring to judge dogs at this gait, it actually
has some advantages. Most obviously, the relative slowness of the
gait makes it much easier to see. If a hock or pastern is bending or
twisting slightly, it will be more apparent than at a faster gait
when it might be missed altogether, despite the fact that any flaw
which is observable at a slow gait will most certainly not disappear
under the pressure of greater speed. In overangulated dogs,
hyperflexion of the joints, particularly the pastern and hock, will
show up as the serious flaws that they are, rather than masquerading
as part of an extreme, flying side gait (Fig 2). The tendency to
single track can also clearly be seen. This is important, as it
demonstrates the animal's sense of balance. Even a bull elephant
walks with an elegantly precise, single tracking gait. Correct
overreach will be apparent as well. My male shows an overreach of
the hind foot beyond the footprint of the forefoot on the same side,
of about eight inches. At a trot, it will be more. The overall
outline of the dog's structure will be easier to see than when
gaiting, particularly the topline, assuming it is not pulling into
the lead (which is easier to prevent at a walk). If a dog shows a
poor outline walking, it's not going to improve with movement.

When the dog
increases speed, he may briefly pass through a period of
"shuffling". This is just a running walk, and is perfectly normal,
although most animals built for speed don't do it very much or for
very long. It's no different than the running walk of the Icelandic
horse, in which it has been genetically selected and intensified. In
wild animals, it is typical of really big animals, such as elephant
and grizzly, whose mass makes suspension difficult or impossible.
More typically, when increasing speed the dog may shift into a pace,
with the legs on the same side moving in synchronization (Fig 3).
This is not abnormal, nor is it an indication of structural
problems. All dogs pace at one time or another. It's a gait that
offers more speed than the walk without the energy consumption of
the trot, which is probably why it is seen as a lazy gait. It
appears clumsy because the body shifts from side to side, in exactly
the same fashion as the camel, nature's best pacer. In fact, what is
happening is quite interesting. Normally, a leg, front or rear, must
be hauled forward by muscular work, and then thrust forward with
more muscular work. But at the pace, the slight shift of the body to
one side allows the legs of the opposite side to be swung forward by
pendulum action, with very little muscular exertion. The camel uses
this gait because of the incredibly harsh nature of its environment
and the shortage of resources. It cannot afford to expend a drop
more energy than is required. Generally, it is movement without any
period of suspension. This would require extra speed and exertion,
which the pace is not intended to provide. The Standardbred pacing
horse specializes in a highly artificial, high speed, suspended pace
because of breeding, training and special harnesses. For the horse,
this gait prevents hoof interference and injury, allowing a huge
overreach which is more difficult to achieve at the trot. These
concerns don't apply to dogs, who use the pace as a more leisurely
means of covering ground. For this reason it is not uncommonly seen
in tired, aged, sick or unsound animals, and has been construed as
an undesirable gait which is necessarily the result of these
problems. This is simply not the case.

When the demand for
speed increases, the dog will shift into a trot, with diagonal legs
moving together. How he makes the shift is entirely up the
individual dog. One of my males never paces, merely hurries the step
of a hind leg to match the stride of the opposite front while
increasing speed, thus achieving a trotting cadence from a walk (Fig
4). The other male likes to pace first, and manages to get a fair
bit of speed. Then he takes a skip in the rear to reverse his rear
stride, without altering his forward stride (Fig 5). Whatever works.

The trot is an
endurance gait used by wolves to cover vast territories without
undue exertion, and without unnecessary speed. It is a patrolling
gait that the animals can keep up for hours, and it is the typical
working gait of a sheep herding dog. In the conformation ring the
trot has the advantage of displaying the angulations and length of
stride, and the ability to cover ground. There are two kinds of
trot: the supported and the suspended, or flying, trot. In the
supported trot, there is always some contact with the ground, and
the dog's ability to cover ground is limited by the length of its
stride (Fig 6). This doesn't necessarily mean that it's a slow gait.
Overangulated animals with huge strides can move with great speed,
without ever achieving a period of suspension. In the flying trot,
the dog completely leaves the ground with each stride, increasing
the amount of ground it can cover without unduly increasing its
energy expenditure (Fig 7). This gait is a function of speed, and is
most beautifully demonstrated by a correct GSD, but it is not unique
to the GSD. Any dog of any structure can show a flying trot, even a
dachshund (Fig 8).

When even more speed
is required, the dog shifts into a gallop. There are also two kinds
of gallop: a supported gallop known as the canter, and the
suspended, high speed gallop. The canter in the dog is no different
than in the horse (Fig 9). It is a three beat gait, and a typical
sequence would be right rear first, left rear and right front
together, and finally left front. It is a parallel gait with, in the
case of a right lead, the left feet of both front and rear landing
before the right feet of both front and rear. On a left lead, the
reverse would be true. The dog, like the horse, changes lead
depending on whether he is veering to the left or right. A dog
circling to the right would move with a right lead, so that his
weight at the end of a stride is caught by his right foreleg. The
canter is a nice, easy working gait that offers a bit more speed
than a flying trot and is easier to execute over uneven territory.

The gallop is the high speed, pursuit gait, with maximum extension
and maximum exertion. There are two kinds of gallop: the single
suspension, parallel gait exhibited by the horse (Fig 10), and the
double suspension, diagonal gait most dramatically demonstrated by
the cheetah, the fastest mammal on earth. The GSD shows the gait
sequence of the cheetah (Fig 11). A typical, four beat sequence
would be right rear, left rear - a long, leaping period of
suspension - left front, right front - and a brief, secondary period
of suspension. In the dog, as in the cheetah, the spine becomes a
crucial instrument of propulsion, flexing deeply and springing
straight, even reversing its curvature, to add extra thrust to the
period of suspension and hugely increasing the stride. Of all the
gaits, the gallop exerts the most stress on a dog's structure and
whatever weaknesses exist will be accentuated, although one usually
needs slow motion video to see it. The criteria of course, is speed.
The ability to perform at top speed is a necessary asset to police
and herding dogs, and all GSDs should be able to demonstrate an
impressive gallop.