considered to be the hip assessment method that will bring a genuine improvement in hips PennHIP Radiographic Evaluation at a Glance The PennHIP method is a different way to assess, measure and interpret hip joint laxity. It consists of three separate radiographs: the distraction view, the compression view and the hip-extended view (see below). The distraction view and compression view, developed by Dr. Smith, are used to obtain accurate and precise measurements of joint laxity and congruity. The hip-extended view is used to obtain supplementary information regarding the existence of DJD in the hip joint.
Dr. Gail Smith Interviewed about PennHIP Dr. Smith was interviewed by Lisa Stahr, host of Special Pets, Special Needs. Gail talks about the PennHIP method and how it can predict the likelihood of getting Degenerative Joint Disease/Osteoarthritis later in life. The subjects of heredity and selective breeding for better hips were also discussed. This interview was geared toward the layperson and explains the concepts of hip dysplasia and breeding in understandable day-to-day language, |