Comparison of Type
Written & Illustrated by Linda
Shaw MBA
The standard for the German Shepherd
Dog, while annoyingly vague in many respects, has not changed
appreciably over the years. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said
of the breed. From the 1940's, when most dogs in most countries
looked pretty much the same, we now have West German show, West
German working, East German, Czechoslovakian, English Alsation,
American show and probably others yet in the making. Partly this is
due to a natural, genetic diversification of families, and is
probably a good thing. Related dogs tend to look alike. Partly it's
due to legitimate differences in breeders' preferences. Working line
breeders, for instance, will tend to put less emphasis on movement
than on drive. But in many cases it's just ignorance of what correct
conformation is all about. The short legs and long bodies of the
Alsation were simply not efficient. Neither are the extreme rear
angulation and sloping toplines of American show dogs, nor the
roached backlines of West German show dogs. These faults have never
been acceptable under the standard, but somehow they became
fashionable in their respective countries and have been promoted by
"big" breeders and judges alike.

Dog A illustrates correctness,
standing four square (with the hind feet placed under the hip
joint), standing show posed and moving at a flying trot. This dog
shows correct proportions of 10:8.75; slightly longer than tall.
This is measured from the top of the scapula (including muscling) to
the floor, and from the tip of the breast bone to the rear
projection of the pelvis. This dog shows a strong head with parallel
planes, a deep skull (measured from the top of the head to the
underline of the jaw), and a muzzle no longer than the length of the
skull (from the back of the skull to the corner of the eye). The
neck is arched and is wide at the base, because of the well laid
back scapula. The head is carried generally erect, at about a 45
degree angle.
The scapula is attached to a long
upper arm at somewhat more than 90 degrees. It is not necessary for
the shoulder to form a right angle, because when the dog is moving,
its centre of gravity will drop, lowering the body slightly and
causing the shoulder angle to close. Straight, upright bones are
optimal for support, but angulation is necessary for movement. About
95 degrees is the best compromise for both. Besides, reach is not
limited by the scapular angle, as it has no bony attachment. A very
fit dog with this lay back of shoulder can reach further than 45
degrees when necessary.
The upper arm, lower arm, femur or
upper thigh, and gaskin or lower thigh, are all equal in length.
These are the levers that provide propulsion, and the smoothest,
most efficient propulsion is provided by levers of equal length. The
scapula is generally not as long as these bones, as it is not a true
lever. It pivots on its centre point, being pulled forwards and
backwards by massive layers of muscle across its entire surface. It
is more important that it be wide, to provide roomy attachment for
those muscles. Short forelegs are less vulnerable to injury, but
they are less effective at propelling the body. Very long legs are a
feature of racing dogs, but are much more vulnerable, particularly
in jumping. The medium length leg is the best all around compromise
for speed, strength and propulsion.
The pastern is only slightly angled. The more angled it is, the less
absorption it has, a bit like soft shocks on a car. A strong pastern
has great absorption, but can also generate propulsive energy. As
the foot travels back in the stride, the tendons are stretched like
elastics over the back of the joint, gathering energy for when the
foot leaves the ground when they snap back and giving the stride an
extra bit of spring.
The back is level when standing
normally, and slightly sloped when posed. The withers must be long
and high, flowing up into an arched neck and back over a straight
back, as this is where the long muscles that move the scapula are
found. In a normal spine, the vertebrae are strung together in a
straight line, while the long upper spines of each vertebra describe
a high arch at the withers, and a longer, lower arch over the lumbar
region, with a slight dip in between. In a well muscled dog, this
dip is not visible, while the lumbar arch should only be apparent as
an arching of the muscles of the loin.
The rib cage reaches well back to the
centre of the dog, and balloons out only slightly behind the
forequarters. It should be flat relative to, say, a pitbull or
Rottweiler, but well enough rounded to provide ample heart and lung
capacity. If the ribs are well rounded, the sternum will only reach
to a point an inch or two above the elbows. Chest muscling will
bring the brisket to the point of elbow or slightly below, and hair
will seem to increase the chest depth even more. Maximum body depth
should be at the elbow, with the underline sloping upwards into the
The pelvis is set at about 30 to 35
degrees, measured from a plane laid across its top. I find this more
accurate than trying to eyeball a line through it. This angle is
common to most big predators, and is the most efficient angle to
channel the upwards energy from each stride, forward horizontally
along the spine. The croup will generally follow the line of the
pelvis, but its length will depend on the lay of the caudal
vertebrae at the root of the tail. Whether the tail is high or low
set has no effect on gait, so a long croup is really more esthetic
than practical. On the other hand, a pelvis that is too steep or
flat will result in a shortened stride as well as a faulty croup. A
flat pelvis hampers reach while a steep pelvis restricts
follow-through, and a dog will tend not to reach ahead any more than
he can follow-through (this is true for the forehand as well as the
rearhand). A long, smooth croup that flows into a beautiful saber
tail is certainly the most visually appealing finish to a fine
moving dog. However, it should be remembered that a very strong
minded, dominant dog will often carry its tail high, shortening the
croup somewhat. Given a choice between a weak minded dog with low
tail carriage and a strong dog who flags his tail, the choice should
always be the latter.
Rear angulation has been the source
of a great deal of contention in the breed. Show animals have more
of it, and working breds tend to have less. American dogs have taken
it to the extreme, to the point where no animal who is not
ridiculously over endowed will achieve top conformation ranking.
German show dogs are more reasonably structured, but even some of
those are starting to show excessive rear. Almost as a form of
rebellion, many working breds have so little that their stride at
the trot is almost terrier-like. Correct stifle angulation should
mirror the shoulder, being somewhat greater than 90 degrees, and for
the same reasons. The dog will in all postures stand up on its toes,
and its metatarsus or hock will be parallel to its upper thigh. This
is also the typical configuration of most predatory animals, where
long term, low to medium speed and great endurance is required, with
occasional bursts of short term, extreme speed.
In movement, Dog A shows length of
stride, power and suspension. His head is at about 45 degrees, not
straining up or down, while his neckline flows down through long,
strong, medium high withers, over a short, straight, level backline
with no arching or dipping, and down over a gently sloping croup.
Because of the sloping withers and croup, there is the appearance of
a slight slope to the topline, even though the spine is level. He
shows a 45 degree reach with a well opened shoulder. In the rear, he
under-reaches to his centre of gravity with only the toes touching
down, not the hocks. When driving back, he shows a 45 degree,
snapping rear follow-through with straightened hocks, tight Achilles
tendon and a gaskin that is not parallel to the ground. There is no
flipping up of the pasterns, or dragging of the rear toes. The
effect is of a moderately low, sweeping, efficient gait, with a
period of suspension propelling the body effortlessly through space,
and making it appear to hover. When other dogs must shift into a
gallop, this dog can just stretch out into a longer stride and a
longer period of suspension, giving a beautiful illusion of slow

Dog B is an animal that probably
could not win in any conformation arena, yet this dog could work
perfectly well at any task, and show decent speed, strength and
endurance. His proportions are 10:9.1, almost square. His relatively
short body and long legs make him athletic and quick, but will tend
to make him a galloper rather than a trotter, and will deny him the
grace and suppleness of a longer body. His muzzle is too short, and
a bit upturned, but his grip would be very strong. His neck does not
have a wide breadth of attachment, because of his straighter
shoulder. This is accompanied by a short, upright upper arm, and his
breastbone and forechest are not well developed. At a trot, this dog
will not be able to reach past his chin, and will be choppy in
movement, but in all likelihood he will still show good reach at the
gallop, as both forelegs are drawn forward in tandem with maximum
exertion. Where he may show problems is in coming down off very high
jumps, such as a French palisade, when a straight shoulder will not
absorb as much of the tremendous impact of landing as could a well
laid on shoulder. I say could, because fitness is such an important
component of any physical activity. A very fit dog with straight
shoulders may perform better than a soft dog with good shoulders.
The fit, correct dog will perform the best of all. He also shows
rather upright pasterns, with very good feet. Unless the pastern is
completely straight, and risks buckling over on impact, an upright
pastern probably offers more absorptive capacity than a technically
correct pastern. The correct pastern is sufficiently sloped so that,
no matter the angle of impact, the joint will compress and there is
no risk that the pastern will be "jammed".
This dog also lacks in chest depth,
although its capacity is unaffected. He will be slightly barrel
chested, and as a result, will probably throw out his elbows when
gaiting. His shortness of body is reflected in a short spine, which
also shows a decided roach. His withers are flat, reducing the area
of attachment for shoulder muscles and forcing the scapula further
forward and down. This type of spinal configuration also has the
tendency to cause the dog to carry his head down, both standing and
gaiting. His arching spine has also forced his pelvis downward into
a steep position, making a long, driving follow-through more
difficult and shortening the rear stride. As well, his rear drive
will accentuate his roach, in effect causing the spine to buckle
upwards, wasting a huge amount of energy and making the spine more
vulnerable to injury. A roach might be an advantage to a pack animal
whose back must bear weight, but it is of no particular advantage to
a working dog. Still, a roach is better then a sway back, and is
less likely to break down with pregnancy or age.
His hindquarters show angulation that
is less than ideal, but which is perfectly adequate for work. It is
about the same amount as one sees in wolves. His hock and upper
thigh are parallel and well articulated, and what his rear lacks in
stride length it will make up in power. The front and rear are
balanced, and in most cases his flaws err on the side of strength.
His gait at a trot will be unimpressive, and in order to cover
ground he must shift into a flying trot at a relatively low rate of
speed to make up for his lack of stride. However, he is short
coupled, dry and tightly ligamented, and should show a normal
ability to gallop and jump. While not an outstanding specimen of the
breed, he is perfectly serviceable, and should be judged

Dog C is the extreme type of animal
that can win top awards in the American specialty show ring. His
proportions are 10:8, which don't sound unreasonable, but in
actuality creates a dog of unacceptable length. He represents an
evolution of the breed away from a body type that is athletic and
strong, towards one that shows an optically dramatic gait. The
emphasis on gait has resulted in a lack of attention to other
problems and a noticeable loss of breed type.
This dog's head is small and weak, lacks good depth of stop, is too
long in foreface, and the skull lacks depth and jaw strength. The
head has a collie like quality which is atypical and weak. He has a
straight front assembly and associated short upper arm, and carries
his head vertically because of the steepness of the withers and
backline. This neck also lacks breadth of attachment, and is too
long. The large prosternum and filled forechest can give the
illusion of a broad, well set shoulder. His lower arm is a bit
short, which contributes to his low station and low, sweeping gait,
but it is less efficient for galloping and jumping. The pasterns are
down and will probably collapse into a plantar position under the
pressure of landing off a high jump. The feet are flat. His withers
are high, but more because his hindquarters are low than because of
their structure. The chest is very deep, because it has been
squashed flat, and is slab sided and narrow when seen from the
front. A tremendously long body means a very long spine. It's strong
enough to give the dog an elegant topline, but is too long for
agility and jumping, and slopes unnaturally even when the dog is
standing informally. He has an underline and abdominal cavity which
is long and drooping, giving the abdominal organs far more space
than they need. The croup and tail are long and beautiful.
Angulation in the stifle is unbalanced with the angulation of the
shoulder, being considerably more acute: a full right angle. The
lower hind leg has lengthened proportionately much longer than the
lower arm, pushing the hock downward and forming an acute angle at
the hock joint, known as sickle hocks. These are accompanied by
long, loose Achilles tendons which cannot snap the hock open for a
sharp, strong, propulsive follow-through.
In movement, Dog C gives the illusion
of impressive stride and power. He does show fine reach, because he
is so loosely ligamented. Some show an exaggerated reach, with the
foreleg actually achieving an horizontal position. A normally
muscled front with good bone relationships can't do this, at least
not at a trot. The exaggerated rear angulation ostensibly increases
power and drive. What it actually does is produce an overextended
length of stride, which requires an excessively long back to absorb
it. It also gives the associated floppy, sickle (and probably cow)
hocks that are unable to completely snap open on follow-through, and
that waste a great deal of energy. The rear is lowered as a result,
sloping not just the topline, but the spine as well. An opened hock
is achieved by speed, with the hock thrown back and flipped open of
its own momentum, but providing no power. Hence the over fast
gaiting at so many specialty shows. Loose, excessive angles also
prevent the dog from showing any period of suspension, even at
faster speeds. The hind leg has landed almost up to the hock
(plantar) before the forefoot is anywhere near leaving the ground.
The dog can't generate sufficient power to lift and suspend the
body. Needless to say, this conformation is incapable of providing
the power or coordination necessary for fast galloping or athletic
The overall effect is of a very
dramatic, even elegant, moving dog (especially if it's in good
condition), with a racy topline, huge stride and great speed. The
speed at which he is gaited makes the details inside the silhouette
difficult to see, and an extreme dog can appear very impressive. He
can even make a correct dog seem lacking, and will initially cover
more ground, faster and with more flash, leaving the correct dog
behind. It would take some time, longer than a few hours in a show
ring, before the correct dog's effortless, floating gait ran the
extreme dog into the ground. Also, the correct dog will show a
normal walk, won't stand on its hocks, can gallop well and will have
good jumping and turning ability, things that will be more of a
problem for this extreme dog.

Dogs D and E are compilations of
actual dogs, showing an unfortunate example of the divergence of
type that has occurred. Dog D is an amalgamation of two fine German
imports, the Jims, Neuman's and v Fiemereck. Dog E is a combination
of a US Grand Victor and a Best in Show winner. I didn't choose the
best or worst of the photographs I used, just the elements that
showed the perspective I needed. As you can see, the first dog shows
strength of expression, normal angles and an appearance of power
throughout. The second dog makes obvious his weak ligamentation,
fine bone, fragile head and complete lack of expression and
masculinity, all in the name of side gait.