If greatness can ever reasonably be accorded to 2 dogs, then without a doubt it can be accorded to Palme vom Wildsteiger Land's 2 sons; double Siegers Uran vom Wildsteiger Land and Quando vom Arminius. Uran was world Sieger in 1984/85, followed by Quando in 1986/87. In their era they were justifiably regarded as the two top producers. Not since the era of Canto and Quanto von der Wienerau in the 1970's have 2 males had such a hugely positive effect on the Breed.
In the 1970's the Canto/Quanto cross was hugely favoured by the SV and therefore by the breeders. The same comparison can be made of the Uran/Quando cross in the 1980's and the 1990's. From the mid 1980's to the early 1990's their progeny totally dominated successive Sieger Shows. It is widely believed, even to this day, that the tenure of former SV President Hermann Martin, was made considerably easier because of the influence of these 2 sires.
I have included the following section as I feel it may be of interest to newcomers, or comparative the Breed.
The late 1960's and early 1970's saw what was then regarded as the 5 major German Shepherd bloodlines; Hero vom Lauerhof, Marko vom Cellerland, Mutz von der Pelztierfarm, Canto von der Wienerau and Quanto von der Wienerau.
Hero vom Lauerhof
Hero vom Lauerhof was graded Select (VA) on three occasions (1971-73). He was medium size. medium strong, masculine, with good overall construction allied to excellent pigmentation and strong character. He had 2 double premolars, and was I believe, the last male to be graded Select with this particular problem. Generally it was felt that Hero was a throwback to an older generation of long, deeply bodied animals. Although he produced 3 Select progeny he plays no part in modern pedigrees.
Hero vom Lauerhof |
![]() Arak von der Holledau |
Ute vom Trienzbachtal |
Marko vom Cellerland
1972 Sieger Marko vom Cellerland was an excellent male of strong masculinity, very good type and construction allied to an excellent character and very good trainability. He produced several top quality progeny, especially sons, of whom the most noteworthy was the beautiful Select male Eros vom Hambachtal. Marko's pedigree was basically from little-known sheepherding bloodlines and the SV hierarchy felt that he did not compliment the bloodlines of Canto/Quanto, both of whom were being strongly promoted by the SV. The wisdom of this issue is still debated to this day. Marko produced 5 Select progeny but the bloodline plays little or no part in modern pedigrees.
Marko vom Cellerland |
Kai vom Silberbrand |
Eros vom Hambachtal |
Arek von der Hattsteinburg |
Mutz von der Pelztierfarm
Mutz von der Pelztierfarm was a medium size, medium strong, masculine dog of good overall construction. He was stretched and deeply bodied, but a very good moving dog with good character.
Along with Canto and Quanto, Mutz is regarded as one of the modern pillars of the Breed. Although he produced 7 Select progeny, his main influence is through the very beautiful male Jonny von de Rheinhalle. Jonny never achieved the Select status because of a double premolar. His brother Jalk was graded Select, although he never could be compared to his brother in terms of construction or as a producer. Jonny produced 4 Select progeny and his influence is still very strong today. This bloodline to V1 Eros von der Luisenstrasse through Cello von der Romerau continues to VA 1999 Huppy vom Arlett who produced the 2003 VA3 male Hill vom Farbenspiel. The male Facdo vom Sudblick, VA1988/89, also continues the bloodline from Jonny von der Rheinhalle through Kuno vom Weidtweg/Nick von der Wienerau/Kim von der Michaelswiese. Fando's influence has mainly come through his good producing daughters.
It is also worth remembering that Jonny von der Rheinhalle is the great-grand sire of palme vom Wildsteiger Land, the dam of Uran and Quando, therefore the influence from Mutz von der Pelztierfarm is further reinforced.
Mutz von der Pelztierfarm |
Jonny don der Rheinhalle |
Wacker von der Eiringsburg |
Anderl vom Kleinen Pfahl |
Canto von der Wienerau
Although much used as a stud and regarded as a very important sire Canto von Wienerau never achieved the Select grading; he was V1 at the 1971 Sieger Show. Canto was medium size, medium strong, with very good construction and proportions. He was weak in character, as was his sire Hein vom Konigsbruch, lacked masculinity and pigmentation and was criticised for loose hocks. Allied to this he was a proven haemophiliac. He died at a relatively young age in circumstances that would quite clearly suggest this. Nevertheless his influence today is still hugely evident. He produced 6 Select progeny. His top sons were Canto/Casar vom Arminius, Frei vom Holtkamper See and Asslan and Argus vom Klammle. Asslan vom Klammle is the sire of the excellent male dog Argus vom Aducht, considered by many to be one of the best specimens of the Breed in any era. Argus was graded Select in 1977, but this was later downgraded to Excellent by SV President Dr. Rummel because of a broken incisor. Canto von der Wienerau is also the sire of the top producing female Flora vom Konigsbruch, the dam of Nick, Dax and Reza von der Wienerau.
Canto is continued into modern pedigrees through:
(1) Mark vom Haus Beck through Sieger Kimon v. Dan Alhedy's Hoeve/Karly vom Arminius to Xavier von der Kahler Heide/Jello vom Michelstadte Rathaus and Yoker vom Lechtal to Til Vom Lechtal.
(2) Canto von der Wienrau through Sonny vom Badener Land/Tell vom Grossen Sand/Frei vom Hirschel/Amigo vom Belgier to Romeo von Pallas Athene and Pitt von Tronje.
(3) Mark vom Haus Beck through Nutz vom Monchberg/Natz vom Steigerhof to Saber vom Steffen-Haus and Baru vom Haus Yu.
(4) Mark vom Haus Beck through Folemarkens Jasso/Lasso vom Neuen Berg/Enzo vom Buchhorn/Nero vom Nobachtal.
It is worth mentioning that Frei vom Hirschel's brother, Sieger Fanto, is not mentioned in the foregoing analysis. His contribution is through his good producing daughters, and has been very important.
Canto von der Wienerau |
Canto vom Arminius |
Asslan vom Klammle |
Flora vom Konigsbruch |
Quanto von der Weinerau
Quanto von der Wienerau was correctly regarded as the top sire of his generation. He was over medium size, strong and substantial, masculine with excellent construction and proportions, allied to very good pigmentation. Generally he passed these qualities to his numerous progeny. He was graded Select on four occasions (1969-1972), and he produced 6 Select progeny. His top sons were 1973 Sieger Dick vom Adeloga, VA Lasso di Val Sole, Cliff avom Haus Beck, VA Gundo vom Klosterbogen and VA Reza vom Haus Beck. All proved to be very good producers in their own right, but undoubtedly Lasso has had the greatest influence.
Lasso was over medium size, strong and substantial, masculine with excellent construction and character. He was Select on three occasions (1976, 77 and 79). He produced 11 Select progeny which is still the Breed record. It is through one of Lasso's lesser known sons, Xaver vom Arminius, that Lasso's influence is to be seen in the modern era. Although regarded as a well constructed dog, Xaver was exhibited on very few occasions due to an over aggressive character. Many SV judges have freely admitted to me that the dog was virtually unapproachable and said that this was a problem he freely passed on to his progeny. Read Walter Martin's article in the GSA Quarterly after the 1992 Sieger Show when he freely admits this. Hermann Martin leased Palme vom Wildsteiger Land on breeding terms and bred her to Xaver. Palme was an excellently constructed female, very strong and powerful, with correct angles and a good croup, but she was oversize and lacked pigmentation. Xaver had good construction, medium size and good pigmentation. Very good compensations. The result was the famous Q-litter Arminius. All proved to be very valuable in breeding terms, but Quando was to have huge influence on the Breed from the mid-80's to the present day.
Quanto von der Wienerau |
Dick vom Adeloga |
Gundo vom Klosterbogen |
Lasso di Val Sole |
Quando was a large, strong and substantial, well constructed, masculine male with excellent proportions and good pigmentation. He was sufficiently dry and firm, but not an outstanding mover. His character was regarded as sharp, and there is evidence to suggest that his incisors were no correctly aligned. Because he was well-bred and well-owned these defects largely seem to have been ignored.He produced 4 Select progeny; 1989 Sieger Iso vom Bergmannshof, Odin v. Tannenmeise, Cimbo von der Burg Reichenstein and 1987 Siegerin Senta v. Basilisk. Other noteworthy sons were Enzo von der Burg Aliso, Wick von Bad-Boll and Henning van Noort, all of whom proved to be good producers in their own right. Generally the progeny were very much in the Quando mould; large, strong and substantial, masculine and well pigmented. Cimbo and Iso were of very little value in breeding terms, so therefore it can be agreed that the major inflluence from Quando comes through the great male Odin v. Tannenmeise.
Quando vom Arminius |
Iso vom Bergmannshof |
Odin v. Tannenmeise |
Henning van Noort |
Odin was a large, strong, deeply masculine male of excellent construction, proportions amd pigmentation. He was firm and dry, but not a good mover and rather apathetic. He was strongly heckled by the crowd in 1987/88 when he was graded Select. He never appeared in 1989 when his half-brother Iso vom Bergmannshof undeservedly attained the title. Odin produced 4 Select progeny; 1992 Sieger Zamb von der Wienerau, 1993 Sieger Jeck vom Noricum, 1991Siegerin Yolli vom Kreuzbaum and 1991 Vize-Siegerin Chipsi von Bad-Boll. Undoubtedly Odin's influence has come through the Siegers Zamb and Jeck. Neither compared to their sire in terms of construction or quality, nor indeed did they resemble each other in any way. Just look at the photographs below and this point should be apparent. Zamb was rather heavy, lengthy and deeply bodied, more in the mould of his Select mother Ica von der Wienerau, whilst Jeck vom Noricum had the exaggerated over line and hindquarter angulation common to his dam line. Furthermore their offspring did not resemble their sires to any great extent. Nonetheless both dogs have been hugely promoted by the SV and their influence in modern pedigrees is immense. It should be remembered that the ir influence is through both their sons and daughters.
Zamb von der Wienerau |
Lux de Valdovin |
Vanta von der Wienerau |
Nathalie von der Wienerau |
Oscha von der Wienerau |
Zamb continues the bloodline from Odin through: Matty von der Wienerau, Esko vom Danischen Hof (Jango vom Furstenberg/Wobo vom Larchenhain/Chicko von de Lohner Heide), Kimbo vom Monchberg (Jaguar vom Monchberg/Dax vom Haus Lach), Oliver vom Laacher-Haus (Bax von der Luisenstrasse/Odin vom Hirshel/Nero vom Hirschel), Indo vom Bildeiche (Jago vom Danischen Hof/Hagadahl's Arex/Wobo vom Larchenhain/Chicko von der Lohen Heide).
Jeck vom Noricum |
Yassko von der Roten Matter |
Max della Loggia dei Mercanti |
Visum vom Arminius |
Ero vom Batu |
Jeck continues the bloodline from Odin through Visum vom Arminius to Cary vom Fiemereck and Max della Loggia dei Mercanti; Cary vom Fiemereck to Ando vom Altenberger Land; Max della Loggia dei Mercanti through Dux deela Valcuvia/Quantum vom Arminius to Zamp vom Thermodos; Yasko vom Farbenspiel (Ursus vom Batu/Hobby vom Gletschertopf); Zycco vom Arminius (Ursus); Ghandhi von Arlett (Ursus), Domino vom Baronenwald, Larus vom Batu and Erasmus van Noort; Neptun von Bad-Boll (Yassko von der Roten Matter), Orbit von Tronje and Rapi Supra (Neptun von Bad-Boll); Scott vom Deodatus (Gustl vom Wildsteiger Land).
Odin v. Tannenmeise's position as a "pillar" of the Breed has been established by the superb breeding performance of his two sons; Jeck and Zamb. Despite Quando vom Arminius' place in the history of the Breed he is realistically represented by only one son, Odin v. Tannenmeise. His sire line can also be traced from Enzo von der Burg Aliso to Select Timo vom Berrekasten who has proven to a rather poor sire.
Uran vom wildsteiger Land |
Palme von Bad-Boll |
Uta von Batu |
Ronda vom Haus Beck |
As we have already said the common link with Quando and Uran was their mother Palme om Wildsteiger Land. When Palme was mated to Irk vom Arminus she produced the "U" litter vom Wildsteiger Land. Besides Uran the litter also contained the Vize-Siegerin Ulme. Irk vom Arminius continued the bloodline from Quanto von der Wienerau through Cliff vom Haus Beck to Pirol vom Arminius. Irk was over medium size, strong, with very good construction and masculinity, and good pigmentation. He produced 4 Select progeny, including Uran, and the outstanding 1986 Siegerin Pischa von Bad-Boll.
Irk vomArminius |
Palme vom Wildsteiger Land |
Xaver vom Arminius |
Pischa vom Bad-Boll |
Uran was a large, strong, well constructed male with excellent angulations and proportions, allied to excellent firmness and movement, but his pigment could have been stronger. He produced 8 Select progeny; Yambo vom Wildsteiger Land, Eiko vom Kirschental, Siegerin Ronda vom Haus Beck, Ulme vom Haus Dexel, Orna von der Steinhalerquelle, Tilka vom Haus Beck, Palme von Bad-Boll and Uta von Batu. A V graded daughter Marit vom Wildsteiger Land has proven to be an outstanding producer. Uran generally gave his own very construction and proportions, allied to very good firmness and dryness and excellent movement. Some lack of masculinity was obvious and pigmentation at times could be a problem. Yambo has contributed little or nothing to modern pedigrees, so therefore it is through 1888 Sieger Eiko vom Kirschental that Uran's influence is to be seen today.
Eiko vpom Kirschental |
Yago vom Wildsteiger Land |
Enzo von der Romerau |
Minou von San Marco |
Nena vom Haus Dexel |
Eiko was a medium size, medium strong male with excellent construction and proportions, masculine, well pigmented, with good firmness and excellent movement. He was graded Select on three occasions including Sieger in 1988. In my opinion he was undeservedly downgraded to VA3 in 1989 behind Iso vom Bergsmannshof and Fanto vom Hirschel.Eiko produced 3 Select progeny, Yago vom Wildsteiger Land, Minou von San Marco and Nena vom Haus Dexel. He also produced the good producing V male Enzo von der Romerau. Yago was a son of Quina vom Arminius (Quando's sister). Although well-bred, Yago was not widely regarded as a particularly good specimen; deeply bodied, with a very stuffy forequarter, poor angulation in the forehand and a markedly steep croup; problems he regularly transmitted to his progeny. Yago was Select on 2 occasions 90/91. He produced 3 Select progeny; 1995 Sieger Ulk von Arlett, 1993 Siegerin Palie vom Trienzbachtal and Xena vom Wildsteiger Land. The male bloodline from Yago is continued into modern pedigrees through Ulk von Arlett, Flick von Arlett/Shantos's Xano and Gildo vom Wildsteiger Land/Axel von dr Kleinen Birke. Of these Ulk von Arlett has undoubtedly had the most influence, although the Gildo son Zamp von Schloss Runding has proven useful, and Xano has proven to be an excellent producer of females.
Ulk von Arlett |
Rikkor von Bad-Boll |
Vando vom Moorbeck |
Idol von der Jahnhohe |
Tatja vom Monchberg |
Ulk von Arlett was not considered an outstanding specimen in terms of construction. He was short and step in upper-arm and croup and clearly inherited the stuffiness in forequarter from his sire. On the other hand he was masculine, good medium size and strength with good pigmentation, firmness and movement. He did not produce his own shortcomings to any great degree and indeed it is widely agreed that he produced progeny superior to himself. Ulk produced 2 Select sons, Sieger Rikkor von Bad-Boll and Vando vom Moorbeck, and 1 Select daughter, Tatja vom Monchberg, but he also produced mainly other highly graded sons and daughters who have had an influence in perpetuating this sire line. Ulk generally produced good heads, good construction and type, proportions better than his own, very good pigmentation, good firmness and dryness and excellent movers. Upper arms and croups could be a problem.
Double Sieger Rikkor von Bad-Boll in terms of straight judging and based purely on his anatomical qualities would never have achieved the fame that he has. He lacked masculinity, allied to a short steep upper arm and croup, very incorrect proportions and the inevitable stuffiness in forequarter. He had excellent pigmentation, was a very good moving dog with very good firmness. The problems outlined above have clearly been identified in Rikkor's progeny to date. He has produced 2 Select males; Mack von Aducht and Kevin vom Murrtal. Whilst Mack is clearly better constructed than his sire, he has been very disappointing as a sire, with very few quality progeny coming into the Open Classes. Generally the problems Rikkor himself exhibited, he has passed on to his progeny. There have been problems with structural proportions, upper arms, croups and masculinity. He generally gave good size, medium strength, good type, good firmness and good movers.
In my opinion, Kevin vom Murrtal is a far superior male in all aspects. The good pigment, firmness and movement have been retained, but masculinity, construction, proportions and type have been vastly improved. Nevertheless the quality of Kevin's progeny will be the final deciding factor in the equation and in Ulm I was less than impressed with his group. The bloodline from Eiko vom Kirschental is continued through Ulk von Arlett through; Idol/Pascha von dr Jahnhohe, Vando vom Moorbeck. Rikkor von Bad-Boll through, Mack von Aducht, Kevin vom Murrtal, Valium/Volvoro vom Arminius. Generally it is agreed that Rikkor produced better females that males and this is possibly where his influence will be seen.
Mack von Aducht |
Kevin vom Murrtal |
Kelly vom Murrtal |
Seinara von Bad-Boll |
Vanda della Loggia dei Mercanti |
My own opinion is that because of Hermann Martin's total promotion of Canto and Quanto von der Wienerau the German Shepherd Breed has lost two alternative bloodlines; Hero vom Lauerhof and Marko vom Cellerland. Both of these excellent males were renowned for their working ability and strength of character, allied to their very good construction. Character is one obvious area of decline we have seen in modern times.
At a recent Breed Seminar held in Dublin, Peter van Oirschot (SV) made it abundantly clear that our Breed is German Shepherd type not Wienerau or Arminius type, although newcomers might be under a different impression. Further, he added, that the bloodline from Mutz von der Pelztierfarm to Cello von der Romerau had been diluted because of the introduction of the "Q"-litter Arminius.
Does this now mean that we have only 2 main bloodlines today; Canto and Quanto. It certainly would appear so. The reality of the situation is that in regard to bloodlines the Breed is now basically structured on 4 males and 1 female.
1. Uran vom Wildsteiger Land (Irk vom Arminius/Palme vom Wildsteiger Land).
2. Quando vom Arminius (Xaver vom Arminius/Palme vom Wildsteiger Land)
3. Mark vom Haus Beck (Fedor vom Arminius/Quina vom Arminius (a Palme daughter)).
4. Cello von der Romerau (Natz vom Hasenborn/(Quana vom Arminius (a Palme daughter)).
It certainly would appear that Hermann Martin had no problems in promoting the bloodlines from Arminius, Wienerau and Haus Beck, but has it led us to the situation where it is now impossible to outcross. Problems with size, ears, character, forehand angles and croups are very evident, and where realistically do breeders go for improvement. The new officers of the SV must address these problems sooner rather than later.
The comparisons made in the 1970's regarding the combination of Canto and Quanto von der Wieneau can now be made in the new century regarding Uran and Quando. Quando gave the strength, masculinity, good constuction and pigment to his progeny of whom the qualitative balance lies with the males. Uran gave the beautiful type and construction, good proportions and excellent movement to his progeny of whom the qualitative balance lies with the females.
In modern times no 2 dogs have been as heavily inbred upon as Uran and Quando. It is almost impossible to find a successful German Sheherd in Europe who does not carry several lines to both of these great dogs.
It is worth mentioning that despite their great use and success at stud both Uran and Quando are basically represented in modern pedigrees by one male descendant each. Uran through Eiko Vom Kirschental/Yago vom Wildsteiger Land/Ulk von Arlett and Quando through Odin v. Tannenmeise/Zamb von der Wienerau/Jeck vom Noricum. There are other males from both of these dogs who have had some input, but none have had such far-reaching influence.
Quanto and Canto have passed into the history of the Breed, and have correctly been replaced by Uran and Quando as the new "Pillars of the Breed". Who will replace them?