Mechanics of Movement
Part 1
Written & Illustrated by Linda
Shaw MBA
now we have a good understanding of the structural anatomy of the
GSD and its basic gaits. Now we must turn our attention to how the
dog moves at an anatomical level, to give us a good understanding of
why some kinds of structure are desirable and others are not. I
think the most logical approach is to follow the progression of
energy, from the first generation of power, along its transmission
to its final dissipation (Fig 1). The less fragmented this line of
progression, the more concentrated the power and the more efficient
the dog’s movement. Faults of structure result in energy leakage,
and the more leakage, the less is available for the wanted task.
Leakage also creates stress on areas of anatomy in ways they are not
designed to withstand. For the sake of convenience, and because it
is the gait at which the breed is commonly judged, we’ll focus
initially on the trot, discussing aspects of the other gaits where

however, a very brief anatomy lesson. The leg consists of several
components. The bones are the underlying architecture that give
support, strength and basic structure. To them are attached the
muscles, which for our purposes fall into two groups, flexors and
extensors. Flexors are those muscles that, when they contract, close
the joint and flex the limb, as when you lift your leg or crook your
arm (Fig 2). Extensors, when they contract, do the opposite, opening
the joint and straightening the limb (Fig 3). Muscles are fleshy
masses which at their ends become tendons: tough, stringy fibers
that act as ropes upon which the muscle will pull to move a bone.
The tip of the tendon is attached to a process, a bony protuberance
that gives the muscle extra leverage in moving the bone.
For instance, in both dogs and humans
the calf muscle is a large muscle attached at the top of the back of
the lower leg bone, the fibia, and that stretches down to become the
Achilles tendon at the back of the ankle, attaching to the bony
process that is the heel bone (Fig 4). When the calf muscle
contracts, it shortens dramatically and powerfully, pulling the heel
bone towards it. The foot is like a seesaw and pivots at the ankle
joint, the heel going up and the toes going down. In humans this
muscle is so powerful that with just one leg it can lift and propel
the entire weight of a large man. Some muscles are situated on the
inside of a joint and span the angle between two bones to pull them
together and bend the joint. Muscles at the back of the thigh reach
down and attach to the bone below the knee, and when they contract,
the knee (or stifle) bends (Fig 5). Other muscles reach around the
outside of a joint. The front thigh muscle sends its tendon over the
top of the knee to attach to the top of the shin. When it contracts,
it pulls the bones into alignment and straightens the knee (Fig 6).

muscle’s power is related to its shape. When relaxed, it is soft and
has no strength. It generates power by contracting, or shortening
lengthwise, and becoming denser and hard to the touch. A long, slim,
flat muscle can contract to a huge degree, losing a third of its
length and giving the bone to which it is attached a great deal of
leverage and a wide range of movement. That is why gazehounds built
for speed have long, slim, flat muscling. Short thick muscles cannot
shorten so dramatically, but because they are so well endowed with
muscle fibres their contractions are very powerful and sustained.
They can’t provide sweeping movement, but they do offer great
strength. So malamutes, mastiff and bully breeds, who require
strength and endurance, have short, thick muscles (Fig 7a).
the bones reflect the requirements of speed or strength. Long bones
give great leverage and long strides for speed and jumping ability.
However, they are usually lighter and can be more fragile. Antelope
and deer, even the cheetah, are ideal examples. Short, thick bones
can’t give exceptional leverage, but they have weight, strength and
stability, and can withstand the stress generated by massive
muscles. Badgers, wolverines, bear and bulldogs are typical examples
(Fig 7b).
The GSD must have a balance of speed,
agility, strength and endurance. He must be able to outrun and out
jump a young man, subdue an angry 200lb ram and patrol a moving
flock all day, every day. A tall, thin, light dog may not have the
power to protect himself or his handler in a serious fight. The
heavy, low stationed, short legged dog will not have the stride to
gallop or jump well, and his weight will sap his energy. This breed
has to have it all, but without one characteristic becoming so
developed as to atrophy another. Certainly, fitness and conditioning
can go a long way to compensate a dog's shortcomings, but having
good structure in the first place, plus conditioning, will give the
dog the best possible advantage whatever its task.
generation begins in the rear. It starts at that point in the stride
where the hind foot takes on the body’s full weight and can begin to
drive it forward (Fig 8). This happens when the paw is planted
vertically beneath the hip joint. In this position, the leg is at
maximum contraction. This is what we call the support position.
During the phase where the paw is ahead of the hip at the forward
part of the stride it is beginning to support the body weight, but
is still contracting. There is some contraction of the extensor
muscles, sufficient to keep the body supported, but full extension
at this stage would push the body backwards. Obviously, there is
some upward propulsion as well. At the beginning of propulsion, it
is nearly straight up, and as the stride progresses, the line of
propulsion up the leg slants more and more forward. Some upward
force at the beginning of the stride is desirable. It gives the body
that bit of lift required for the period of suspension when the body
travels forward without contact with the ground, purely of its own
momentum. Momentum gives motion without effort, so a long period of
suspension is highly desirable. Too much lift however, can make the
dog appear to bounce up and down and can actually shorten the period
of suspension, wasting energy.
a walk, very little propulsion is required and dogs, like humans,
will generate only enough to literally fall forward, catching their
weight with each stride. At a trot however, greater speed is
required, as well as lift, and the propelling leg must generate more
power. At the support position, the hindquarter will sink slightly,
increasing angulation and the leg’s potential thrust . A dog with
very little angulation can produce very little thrust at the trot
(Fig 9). Ideal angulation produces the most thrust for the least
expenditure of energy. The over angulated dog can often produce good
thrust, but he must also expend more energy to forcefully extend his
overangulated legs when in motion, and to keep the acutely angled
levers of his hind legs from collapsing when in the support
position. Because about half the total length of the stride is
actually involved in generating power, total length of stride is
important. The greater the angulation the longer the stride, but the
cost in energy consumption goes up.

As the hind leg is thrusting
backwards, several things are happening (Fig 10). The femur or thigh
bone is moving backwards, the result of powerful contractions of the
muscles connecting the rear pelvis and thigh. The knee is
straightening, because of the contractions of the muscles attached
to the femur and shin, over the patella. The patella adds a bit of
extra distance the tendon must stretch, increasing leverage.
Finally, the hock joint is straightening, because of the action of
the calf muscle previously discussed. All these massive muscles work
in concert to produce a single, powerful, straightening thrust of
the leg. In a dog lacking angulation, these muscles are shorter and
cannot contract to the same degree as those of a well angulated dog,
producing less thrust. More than muscle work is involved however. At
the support position the leg is well bent, and the tendons running
over the knee and the hock joint (the Achilles) are stretched like
elastics, storing energy (Fig 11). As the leg moves backwards, this
energy is released as the tendons snap back to their normal lengths,
further helping to open the knee and hock joints. The overangulated
dog, with over bent joints, has overlong, sloppy tendons that have
limited ability to stretch and store energy. Also, as the foot moves
backwards, the toes are stretched back, much like bending your
fingers back, stretching their tendons and adding even more snap to
the stride (Fig 12). Longer toes that are well knuckled up give the
most leverage and elastic snap. Flat feet give the least. The
propulsive power of short, strong tendons is “free” power, in the
sense that it requires no muscular work, and is the best argument
against overangulation.
the end of the stride the leg will be nearly, but not completely
straight (Fig 13). Not completely, because the trot is not a gait of
maximum exertion. The dog that shows a maximum degree of stride
length at the trot is expending too much energy, and while it will
no doubt show a visually spectacular side gait, it cannot keep this
up for a prolonged period of time. At increased speeds, the gallop
is more cost efficient. Also, extreme side gaiters tend to show
diminished follow-through, with the hind foot leaving the ground but
failing to continue its sweep backwards. Follow-through is
important, much like the back swing of a golfer’s club. It finishes
the stride, allowing the thrust to die gradually and ensuring that
the most powerful part of the swing or stride is expended where it
will do the most good; on the ground. The extreme mover will often
travel so low to the ground that its toes are dragging in the grass.
It is probably better that a dog kick up somewhat behind, than show
no follow-through at all.

the same time that one leg is thrusting backwards, the other rear
leg is moving ahead (Fig 14). It should move low to the ground.
Hoisting a heavy leg higher than necessary uses energy. Having to
reach too far ahead also takes energy. Most dogs, whatever their
structure, attempt to reach to their centre of gravity, which is
usually located a bit behind the centre of the rib cage, to find
their balance. A correctly structured dog need not reach so far
ahead as a long bodied dog. When the foot has found the ground, it
begins to support the weight of the body being propelled over it,
and to fold into the support position in preparation for the next
stride. It should be noted that the rear foot should strike the
ground with the plantar pad first, and the toes second, but never
with the heel or hock. Overangulated dogs, especially those with
sickle hocks, tend to show a flat footed stride, forcing the hock to
absorb a ground strike for which it is not designed (Fig 15). If you
examine the bottom of the dog’s hock and see what appears to be an
extra pad of callused skin half way up, or worse, at the tip of the
hock, this is due to the hock’s repeated abrasion with the ground
and is unacceptable.