RECENT IRISH SIEGER WINNERS THIS INFORMATION IS ISSUED AS A SALUTE TO OUR TOP SHOW WINNERS AT OUR NATIONAL PREMIER EVENT AND ALSO TO EMPHASISE THE VALUE OF SUCH DOGS TO OUR BREEDERS IRISH SIEGER 2004 - LUIGI VOM POLARKREIS SchH 3. SZ 2071286, M-E 3247, DOB 27.08.00. Though shown sparingly as a puppy Luige chalked up some good wins in strong competition. He made his debut in the major league at just barely over twelve months of age - being thrown in at the deep end of the extensively supported junior male class at the German Sieger Show held in Düsseldorf in 2001. In this class Herr Andreas Rudolph SV, found his class winner amongst the 160 ‘sg’ graded dogs – this turned out to be Larus von Batu who
From the Ursus von Batu line, Luigi is by Zycco von Arminius, whose mother is a Matty Wienerau daughter. Luigi's mother is Fami von der Stadt Mosbach, a powerfully motivated and self confident female with a Schutzhund 3 degree. Fami is by Pitt v Tronja. On Fami’s mothers side we also have Tony Wienerau. The most extensive critique applicable to the dog and the one which generally is regarded as reflective of and in keeping with what’s accurate even after a few years is that issued by Herr Rudolph. It reads as follows: “A medium sized dog, of medium strength, markedly masculine with dark eyes and very strongly expressive. Rather deeply bodied in build, otherwise harmonious in construction, dry and firm. Correct front, pronounced wither, well angulated, with sufficiently angled croup. Good fore and very good hind angulations. Free gait with the desired balance. “ HD fast normal, DNA. As the possessor of the Schutzhund 3 training degree and a pre-selection Breed Survey Class 1 classification this dog was recommended for breeding in the German club stud book. Initially brought into Ireland by an arrangement between Luigi’s German owner Deitmar Nohe and a Dublin breeder the dog was campaigned extensively However the dogs crowning achievement was when he led and won an impressively supported Open Dog Class at the Irish Sieger Show of 2004 under top SV judge Arno Humberdros. The Irish Sieger title was never more deserved as Luigi presented several progeny at the show, and these proved to be to the fore in several classes. As winner of the Progeny competition class at the 2006 Irish Sieger Show it proved that the early confidence placed in this import dog was justified. In mid 2005 Luigi moved from Dublin to Northern Ireland to occupy a special place with the Mc Guigan family, where he now remains at stud by arrangement. Luigi is retired from the show ring. For more information and a copy of his pedigree contact Victor Mc Guigan at:0048-2892676571 IRISH SIEGER 2005-6 CHAMP VON DAKOTA SchH 3. SZ 2054481, H-H 5250, DOB 22.11.1999. Champ is the highest placed German dog (from the German Sieger show) ever to arrive in Ireland. This equation is based on the relative importance of the German Sieger Show. After an illustrious and hugely successful career, all through his young and youth classes, all over Germany, Champ’s crowning moment came in Ulm at the 2003 Sieger
Sired by the prolific very good producer Rickor von Arlett, a top son of Sieger Ulk von Arlett. The father’s side also carries the highly influential Yago Wildsteiger Land, and Nufo Wienerau. Balancing the father’s side is Champ’s mother, Vienchen von Arlett. She is out of Jock von Arlett, who in turn is a son of Visum Arminius. Nero Hirschel is also present on the dam’s side. SV President and judge of the Open Male Class in Ulm, was Herr Peter Messler. The value he saw in this grey dog provided the following laudatory comments about his performance in the ring, “On the top limits of size in stance, expressive, masculine, strikingly firm, dry dog with very good body proportions and good outline. Very good masculine head with superb expression, pronounce wither, strikingly firm back, with very good length and angle of the croup, very good angulations. Pronounced brisket development, and correct front. Powerful, with a ground covering gait, and with very good presentation. Correct coming and going. As a representative of the grey type of our breed he embodies a very firm, very well knit type with exceptional height to length proportions and very good general construction. He is full of vitality and shows himself with considerable spirit and enthusiasm to move. Nevertheless it should be accepted that this exceptional grey dog is on the top limits of size. Consequently medium sized bitches should be preferred when breeding.” HD fast normal, DNA gpr. With the highest possible training degree - SchH 3, and pre-selection Breed Survey Class 1, classification for life this dog is recommended for breeding in the German club stud book. Owned since puppyhood by Cedric Blackbourne of Karenberg Kennels, Champ arrived in Northern Ireland in late 2004. Always kept in immaculate condition and subjected to daily fitness routines by Cedric, Champ returned to the show ring in superb style at Irish Sieger Show 2005 - the year’s premier event judged by the ever popular Herr Rudiger Mai. From the moment Champ stepped into the ring the fate of the class was sealed. This was really the first opportunity that most Irish show goers had to see him in the flesh and the experience was a really worthwhile one. The sheer presence of the dog, his superb anatomical qualities, and of course his exemplary temperament were a joy to behold. After leading a very strongly contested class of quality animals he was worthily crowned Irish Sieger with the top qualification of V1.Once again in 2006 Champ returned for another crack at the most coveted conformation title, and under Herr Hans Joachim Dux SV he once again dominated the Adult Male Class and claimed the Irish Sieger crown. Champ lives as part of the Blackbourne in County Antrim and is the favorite with the Blackbourne grandchildren. Champ and is at stud by arrangement. For more information and a copy of his pedigree contact: Tel: 0044-2844 462430 Cedric Blackbourne, Ballysculty Road 31, Antrim. Co. Antrim. BT41 4QU. |